Past Events |
In memory of Jim
Huckaba (February 6, 1936 - March 10, 2009) -
Obituary |
Segovia | El Escorial, July 18-29 2011 |
- Second Pohang international Conference on Commutative Algebra May 23-28, 2011
Pohang and Gyungju in Korea (South)
Organizers: B.G.Kang (POSTECH), M.H.Park (Jungang University), G.H.Chang (Incheon University)
March-May 2010
Meeting - Tallahassee, March 12 - 13 2004: Special
Robert Gilmer and Joe Mott: Forty Years of Commutative Ring
Theory at Florida State University
Photos |
- Second International Conference on Commutative Rings, Fez, June 1995
- International Workshop on Commutative Ring Theory, Fez, October 1997
- Deuxieme Rencontre Internationale sur les Polynomes a Valeurs Entieres, Marseille, June 2000
- Algebra Conference, Venezia 2002
- AMS-UMI Joint Meeting, Pisa 2002
- AMS Meeting - Tallahassee, March 12-13 2004
- Graz, Austria, September 29 - October 1, 2004
- Cortona Conference 2004: Commutative Rings and their Modules. May 30 - June 5, 200
- AMS Meeting - Tallahassee, March 12 - 13 2004
& phone & fax |
Marco Fontana,
Dipartimento di Matematica,
Universita' degli Studi "Roma Tre",
Largo San Leonardo Murialdo, 1
00146 Roma, ITALY |
+39 0654888232 |
+39 0654888080
+39 0654888072 |
email: fontanamat.uniroma3.it |
+39 329 0572307 |
Last Updated:
August 28, 2013